by Jane | Aug 25, 2017 | Uncategorized
Last week was the celebration of my 40th Birthday and I am truly blessed and thankful for everything. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, two beautiful girls and a job that I love to wake up to sit at my desk.
As a gift to you I am setting up a one week sale of my book #FMJ Trust Transition Trade on Amazon September 1st-8th
I did not always have this gratitude in life. Especially while going through the process of immigration. If you are new to following me you will quickly learn that I am a believer in being in control of my own future based on my actions. Well the 2.5 years it took for me to immigrate my fate was in the hands of Canada. It was a time in my life I really learned patience.
For everyone that has gone through or is going through any sort of immigration process my heart goes out to you. It is all worth the struggles, but it truly takes patience and support from loved ones.
I think of all my experiences in life that was one of the toughest. However I also believe that life gives you every challenge and blessing at the right time. If I didn’t immigrate, then I might not have gone down the road of trading. Everyday is a blessing because I love what I wake up to do every morning.
It definitely took hard work to find a winning strategy and to learn proper risk management. Once it clicks for you, then it is like seeing the 3d images in a magic eye book. It all of a sudden becomes clear.
Reading a chart technically is only part of perfecting your day trading skills. I have had many people ask me if I will start a trading room. I would love to have a trading room, but I believe that would take away from my passion of trading. I did a live webinar once and I quickly discovered I am not an expert at trading and answering questions. I love doing both but one at a time.
So I want to help you guys slowly learn how to read the charts and see the patterns that work for me. Starting in September I will be offering my morning watchlist with charts. The charts will have support and resistance on them to help you minimize risk and trade with the momentum.
When you start your day with a plan you are more likely to profit. I want to share my daily plan with you for only $19.99 a month. This is meant as a tool to help you learn in the beginning. When you trade by the seat of your pants it can cause big losses with emotional trading and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). I will offer 8-10 stocks half long and half short ideas.
I’m in the logistics phase right now to figure out the fastest way to get the email to you by 915 EST each morning. I want to make sure that this doesn’t get hung up it cyber space delaying the information to you.
by Jane | Jul 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
The past couple weeks have been action packed. I was advised by Wells Fargo as an American in Canada I would have to transfer out my account due to tax laws. The SEC had changed regulations and there are a handful of brokers that will accept expat Americans in Canada to hold trading accounts.
It is mostly Canada’s strick regulations that are imposed on the brokers and many US don’t want to comply. So I have been dealing with the headaches of transferring an account internationally. Oh the headaches.
Not only does it mean a new broker which is TD Ameritrade with Think or Swim platform. I’m excited at the new opportunities that the platform offers me, but need to take the proper Time to learn the software.
There is a chance with their amazing charting capacity that I will be stepping away from Equityfeed. At the present moment I’m leaning that way, but I need to learn more to make that decision.
Friday I spent all day playing with the software. There are so many options it will take me a while to train my eyes where to look. As I always recommend learning the software is part of the journey to success and if you switch by choice or necessity you must give yourself time to be proficient with the new technology. No reason for me to jump into trades without knowing how to set up the trades properly.
Not only the transition of the account, but our in-laws have been renovating their house and our house as been a bit busier with extra bodies and teaching out daughter to sleep properly.
Our 5 month old decided she would scream bloody murder everyone her pacifier feel out and would only stop with reinsertion. So sleep training for nap schedule at 9am, 12pm and 3pm began as well as controlled crying.
To me the controlled crying is the most difficult time of raising a baby. I hate hearing the crying, however she needs to learn how to put herself to sleep. It is not feasible for me to get up every two minutes and no sleep for her or for me. It is getting better with more sleep for both of us, which results in a clearer head for trading.
All that said I am so ready to come back to trading more than every 3 days in my 401k. I say every 3 days because it is a cash account.
I’m a firm believer of everything happening for a reason and this change of brokers is actually a blessing in disguise. It will give me better tools. I will be able to do bracket trades if I need to leave my desk. Before I was not able to enter a stop and a limit target. I’m looking forward to being able to short more as with Wells it was very difficult to find share to short of large cap stocks.
When you have a change don’t force the learning curve. Let it happen naturally because if you rush it then the market will likely win. So until I’m used to my new trading tools with Think or Swim I will probably still be just using my 401k for trading. And on those night when the little one keeps me up it is paper trading if my mind isn’t clear.
The name of the longevity in trading is risk management so trade when it is right for you. It comes down to you and the market and you need to be on your A game all the time.
Make a plan with proper research and trade the plan.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters, Ibook and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site and I will happy inscribe it for you and send it off to you.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. They are having a full access to the pro package for $8.88 for 1 week starting this Monday July 17th. Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jun 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
In the off market hours, I have been busting my butt to get the book to you by June 15th. I honestly never thought of myself becoming an author. This all began because of an idea that I had back in November of 2015. Then as I found my groove in trading and more people asked me to share I thought I really need to take actions to turn this idea into a tangible book.
Last May I began my interviews of fellow female traders from around the world. I had a loftly goal last May of being done by August. Hah!
Little did I know how much effort it would take to make this idea come to print. I thought I would easily transcribe the interviews myself and transform these interviews into a book. Wow was I wrong. I quickly found out that I am not a transcriptionist.
Where there is a will to make something happen you find a way. Fast forward to 8 months pregnant and dealing with mommy brain I found a way. That brings us to Decemeber and the beginning of the editing.
For some reason I thought transitioning my idea into book would be super easy. Well I surely estimated the work involved in sharing an idea. So my husband and I began the editing process. Again I thought I would have it done by the new year of 2017. It did not happen, but we perservered to keep it up.
As our second daughter’s birth was approaching in February, We kept up with the editing. She was born an 8 days early February 2, 2017 and the book was on the back burner for a couple weeks. Once she was a month old I knew it was time to get back to the book. Once she was 3 months old, the first copy of the manuscript was off to the editors with 3 rounds of personal editing already completed.
I thought, “Perfect, this should be done and in print in a couple weeks.” Again I misjudged the whole process. It would be 3 more rounds of editing and 3 rounds of formatting to end up at the point of releasing in ebook and print. This took another 3 months.
If I had honestly known or thought of all the work to get this done, I think I would have stopped before I started.
It is just like with learning to trade that if you keep the end goal in sight and put efforts towards it you will achieve that goal. It does not matter how big of a task at hand to reach your goal, when you break it down and put effort towards it each day you can and will accomplish your desired result.
Rememeber the mindset in achieiving any goal is crucial.
- Believe you can do it!
- Be kind to yourself in the process. It takes time to learn or do something new.
- Put energy towards your goal everyday.
- Praise yourself for the hard work that you have done. You are one step ahead of where you were yesterday.
- No matter how long it takes when you have reached your goal be proud. You have acheived something you only thought about doing before.
You can do anything you set your mind to accomplish. I had a thought of sharing a book about traders back in November 2015. It took alot longer than I believed it would to bring it to print. I never thought it would not happen. I just kept at it and slowly but surely after the thought in Nov 2015 and taking action beginnning May 2016 it is now done June 2017. The book will be available for sale IN ebook, paperback and hard cover June 15th.
For now the kindle version is available for preorder at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
It will be available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters, Ibook and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site and I will happy inscribe it for you and send it off to you.
There will be a booksigning at Chapters Pointe Claire July 8th 2pm-6pm. Please RSVP here if you will be attending.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers. Sign up here list for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | May 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
The days are longer and the sun is shining. Everywhere you turn there is new growth and new life happening. Spring is by far my favorite season. All the newness and resilience that is brought forth by mother nature. It leaves me inspired to keep up with my goals and make them reality.
It is amazing how quickly time flies and before you know it you have achieved a goal. Now on the flip side it is also how quickly time flies and you see your dreams slip through your hands if you aren’t motivated.
Bottom line is you are in charge of your future life. The actions you take today will help guide you towards your future life. I wake up each morning because I’m so thankful for the life I’m living. I’m not going to lie and say that it was easy to get here. It takes hard work!
The question is do you think you are worth it? Hell yes you are!!!!
There is the age old thought you have to go to an office or a 9 to 5 job which ultimately makes other’s rich. That is the old world mentality. Yes a college degree is great, but the job you get with it will not always make you happy.
You have to find your passion and use that to fuel your happiness. There won’t always be good days, but those hard days make you appreciate the good ones. When you change your filter on life you can change your future.
Believe you can do it! You can! The only limitations we put forth are what we tell ourselves in our heads. Usually I’m all about stocks and diligence there, but it all stems from you desire to achieve it and your discipline. No one else can get you there except for you!
I had a dream to become a day trader from home to provide for the family. I worked hard everyday to make that happen. Then I had an idea for a book to share with you all to help you along your path. Very close to seeing that achievement in my hands.
Next on my list is tackling the big 4-0 celebration in August. I’m working hard on getting my body today back to pre-baby shape and taking care of my skin more to get rid of those nasty little wrinkles that remind me I’m not 20.
I’m not worried about the age so much as a birthday is a number to me and I go more with how I feel. I still feel like I’m in my 20’s with all my energy and drive. The reality is I now have 2 great daughters and I want to be an amazing mother and role model to them. The only way I see that happening is putting my actions towards those goals.
Don’t get me wrong. I have days I fail at my goals, but I remind myself yes I’m not perfect. I’m not a computer. I’m human and I accept my faults. In living each day with the glass half full, I have to be compassionate to myself and to others.
Praise yourself for all the things you did right today and everyday. For those actions that you did that you don’t like, know that you can’t change them. The beauty is from this point forward you can change to not do them again.
Go out and be the best version of yourself today. You will be happier. As silly as it sounds go and look in the mirror and tell yourself you are awesome. Why? Because you are!
by Jane | Apr 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
In the past 12 weeks I have had a tough time being away from my passion of trading. It has been so tough because our little daughter has food allergies. If I make a mistake and eat something wrong I am spending 4-6 hours with her crying in my arms. This sort of unpredicatbility has me watching the market from the sidelines.
That is until I figured out a strategy swing trading with options. Just like with trading individual shares you want to make sure that you are in an option that has the volume to be able to get in and out easily. You dont want to get into a trade and get stuck because there is no one to buy the option you are trying to sell.
So with this strategy I use Trade Ideas scanner that is from the surge page. If you have Trade Ideas you can load the cloud link. I can sort the stocks surging by the number or options being traded.
As I get my feet wet again in trading I am trading with a smaller account that was at $950. In the past week with my swing trades I am up a nice $300. which is roughly 30% in a week. Not quite as lucrative as the quick moving low float stocks, but still building a profit.
I do enjoy the low float runners where you can be in and out with a nice 50%-300% profit in less than 30 min. However with my limitation right now I had to adapt to a trading style that works with my time ability to be in front of the computer to watch the stocks.
I will usually check the scan right at open and see which gappers have the best option volume. The first red day for sell off stocks that are optionable tend to be good for a put option returning a nice 20% profit for a day trade. Then for the second or third day when the stock begins to curl back up a call in the money for a monthly expiration is working well for a slower swing trade. Right now I am swinging XBIT and PPC calls.
I have found that the weekly options are better for intraday scalp trades and the monthlies with momentum are better for a swing trade. I am by no means an expert on options and taking it slowly with 1-2 contracts at once. It is a great way to leverage your capital and be able to make a nice profit when the trade goes in your direction.
However you need to definitely cut the loss quickly if it goes against you. In my eyes you have two things that can make a loss worse if you dont cut it. First you have the price action and then you also have the time decay. The closer to expiration the faster the option will devalue if out of the money.
I’m seeing the same support and resistance levels hold true in trading options, however you need to make sure you are in an actively traded option otherwise you can have a hard time exiting.
I never buy a contract at the bid because you will end up losing right from the get go. Instead I put in a price I’m willing to pay close to the bid. I have found trading in the trend of the day is more profitable than a reversal trade. This new strategy is teaching me patience in seeing the gains become realized. I am able to work on the book, take care of my daughter, and watch the stock in the background. Immediately after I buy my contract I put in a wish sell price in case someone buys on the ask by mistake.
This has all come about because my stock trading is more time consuming watching the whole market. My daughter is number one and when I have the time again I will be back full force.
In the meantime working hard to get my book out to you all for a June release. Quick update that the cover has been chosen, the website is in development and taking names for preorder and deal info when you sign up
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers. Sign up here list for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.