by Jane | Sep 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Well I can tell you how to see the big prints to trade like them. We all want inside information that could almost ensure we will know what happens to a stock as far as running up or dropping like a rock.
While I was waiting for my TOT surgery in the preop area I completed the final chapters of Stefanie Kammerman’s book Dark Pool Secrets.
I am no stranger to Stefanie as she is one of the female traders that I had interviewed for my book.
Her book excited me again to so further research and really start following the dark pool prints and the action of the stock. There are crazy levels that you see and watch where the stock goes from there.
I am now an avid watcher of the prints in her trading room The Java Pit. Where everyone keeps an eye out for a big print to indicate a move on a stock. The two that were probably the most dramatic were BABA and FL. Both had earnings and you know the earnings can be stellar and the stock reacts how the market decides.
Well BABA had amazing earnings and many people likely thought this is a sure bet to run for days. Well on her app notification shown below and also in the room we spotted a massive print.

And what do you think happened from there. It dropped like a rock to a low of day of 171.91. I truly feel bad for the longs in that scenario, but you can easily see that if the price action stays below the stock is bearish and above bullish. Now not every stock reacts immediately. There are some that take days like the recent AMZN upgrade that the prints came 2 days prior.
The price action that follows these prints is a pretty good indication that there is some market manipulation going on with the guys with big pockets. Just like pump and dumps of penny stocks that hype up the little penny stocks it happens in the big name stocks too. And those secret signs can be seen in the dark pool prints.
Now in using these secret dark pool print information you need to be patient. Sometimes it can take days for the direction to be shown or news to be released. However patience pays off and you know that the prints are backed by big $$$. So you dont want to go against this big money or you will definitely get burned.
I am always looking to expand my knowledge in reading trading books and books in general. If you have a great book recommendation shoot it my way. The more we read the more knowledge we gain and can make better educated decisions.
Im thankful for the copy that Stefanie gave me at the Modern Traders Summit. Who wouldnt want to trade with these secret prints.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here. It is affordable at $34.99 per month, which is roughly $1 a day. Special Labor day sale of 20% off with LABOR as the discount code
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. 25% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code ALPHADAY
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.
by Jane | Jul 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
That is what drives us to do what we do everyday. Why are you in the job you are in right now? Is is a stepping stone to something bigger and better? Is it because you are in your comfort zone?
Are you truly happy with where you are in life? What do want from your life? Ok now we are getting somewhere closer to your real why and motivating factor in life.
If you are new to following me you know that my why is the blessing of our 2 daughters. I wanted to be home and present for them growing up and so I turned to learning day trading.
Then I set out to help others find out their reason why they might want to get into it and help motivate them along the way. Getting into trading and making profits comes with self motivation. For those that want to do zero work this probably isnt for you and simply hiring a financial professional might be better for you.
If you really want to take control and make a difference in your life and know you will do the work necessary lets get you there.
One of the tools I have helped to inspire and shorten that learning curve is the recent Modern Traders Summit. A great event which recently took place in Orlando. Everyone there loved the event from speakers to attendees. When you put passionate people in one room that are encouraging each other we all rise up. I thought ahead and made sure to record the event for others to learn from themselves and it is now available in my Videos On Demand in the main menu. We are in the planning phases for next year as well.
Like first turning to trading it was something out of my comfort zone, however I did not let that stop me from making it happen.
All our growth personally happens when we do something new. It can be a success or a leaening learning experience. The same is true with a trade. It can be a successful profit or a learning experience about how to be better tomorrow.
No baseball player has a 100% batting average and yet they have success. No trader has 100% trading success yet as long as the profits out weigh the losses there is success.
So to create that success you have to master your skill. That is why I asked 8 speakers to share how they had their success with trading. We are all different and have different thought process and enjoy different strategies. The main common attribute is locking gains and minimizing losses. So how can you get there?
Study, attempt, refine and do it all again. If you are building up capital practice the beginning steps with fake money as it is alot less painful to pay $30 a month to trade monopoly money and lose while perfecting your skills than your hard earned money.
For those that are ready for trading a real account or have one open I started sharing my watchlist daily to subscribers as a learning tool. I set up a Tutorial Video to walk you through how to use the watchlist and learn on how to set one up for yourself once you are comfortable. If you are interested in trying it simply sign up here or at the top of the page.
Carpe Profit! And grow that account one trade at a time!
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here. It is affordable at $29.95 per month, which is roughly $1 a day.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. 15% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.
by Jane | Jun 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
You maybe be questioning why I’m thankful as a mom on Father’s Day. Well it was the blessing of becoming a parent that allowed me to find the energy and drive to change my life and the live of our family.
Change in life comes from that change in your mindset to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Once your brain has that as a goal nothing can stop you. IT probably won’t happen over night but the change in your brain can happen in a split second.
What is it that will truly drive you to change your life for the better? For me it was having children.
Also having children and helping them grow and learn made me realize how much I enjoy giving back and seeing success for them, but also for you. All of my sharing comes from a place in my heart of wanting to see you succeed. We all need cheerleaders in life and you never know someone’s story.
I have people that reach out to me on social media and tell me their life story of how they have not let the negatives let the down in life and instead fuel their success. A challenge in life will cause one of two things to happen. It will swallow you up or it will push you to succeed. A lesson either way.
Trading is very much a challenge and will keep you on your toes. If you don’t take the time to learn from your mistakes it will swallow you up. However if you truly learn from your mistakes you will succeed like no other career out there with the flexibility you might have only dreamed about. So the hardwork and outcome are 100% up to you.
I believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in trading, it’s a matter of the process people are willing to put forth to acheive that success.
Bringing it full circle it is the reason why I am constantly sharing to try to help you shorten that learning curve. Many people still need to experience it for themselves.
Next Saturday is the Modern Traders Summit and has like minded traders that want to see you succeed. The last day to purchase in person seats is Wednesday June 20th. I realize not everyone can be there in person, so I set up Streaming and On Demand after the live event. There is a 15% of discount code for streaming of 5gz625.
Also this weekend being Father’s Day there is a 25% off sale with one of my favorite Stock alerting softwares Trade Ideas. Make sure you use discount code THANKSDAD through Monday at midnight for 25% off your first month or year.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here to receive 3 days free. It is affordable at $24.95 per month, which is roughly $1 per trading day.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. 15% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.
by Jane | May 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
Change comes from stepping out of our comfort zone. The change of becoming a stay at home mom day trader was not an easy one or without fear. However the only way to overcome fear in life is to face it head on no matter what the situation is you are fearful about. Usually that fear is just a mental hurdle that we battle.
Never did I think the day that I started my journey to daytrade back, that I would be so open to helping others in the same journey. First with Twitter, then this blog, then YouTube, the book and now the Modern Traders Summit June 23rd.
I am always trying to put myself in your shoes to think about what someone could need in starting out and how I can help. Little did I know that in setting up the Summit I would be so challenged. With each new adventure in my journey of helping I discover newhurdles.
Planning the summit has been one full of suprises and great new challenges that I just tackle head on. I have been a bit absent from the blog because I did not anticipate all the details to be in planning the event. I am so thankful to all my friends and husband for their help and support in keeping me on track to make it happen.
We are now 3 weeks out and the speaker line up is amazing to cover all sorts of trading styles and markets. We have Cryptos, Futures, Options, Stocks, Shorting and more. All of the speakers have the same intention to help you succeed in your trading journey.
We all know that with the success comes hard work. It is not a get rich quick scheme. You must devote the time and there is not one time frame that works for each person on the road to success. The goal is to help you shorten that time frame. However with each personal goal it is up to you to succeed.
The time and effort that you put forth in challenging yourself each day will help you make it happen. I can’t remember if it was Grant Cardone or Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn that said if you want change in your life you need to have change in your actions. It is 100% true. If you want something different in life you need to do something different. So that means you shouldn’t wait, take that action today!
That is what it was for me in setting up the Modern Traders Summit. Taking action everydat to make it happen for you.
The opportunity for you to improve in trading from the speakers is right in front of you. It’s now your choice to take action to attend or watch it streaming.
Are you going to let this opportunity slip by or take action today?
Do you want that change to start today? Your actions predict your future….
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here to receive 3 days free. It is affordable at $19.95 per month, which is roughly $1 per trading day.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. 15% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.
by Jane | Feb 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Today in meeting with our good friend Michelle it brought back all the memories of my start in the day trading world.
The first day I remember finding Timothy Sykes and starting to research terms and feeling overwhelmed. For those that know absolutely nothing about trading terminology you are going to find your go to spot for informing you.
Don’t be fooled that is just the beginning of learning the market. As like any profession you have to build a base before you can begin your trading journey
A guideline of how to make it as a trader as a profession. It will take hard work and patience in your journey.
Step 1. definitely start studying anything and everything about the market. The more you learn the more you will find you don’t know. The market is every changing and you have to adapt as the market changes.
Step 2. try to find a program or mentor that you mesh with that will keep you motivated along your journey. There are many out there. Make sure whomever you choose that they don’t boast a guarantee of their product to make you profit. Everyone learns differently and everyone has to find a strategy that works for them.
Step 3. Determine how much time you can honestly devote to trading. This might be something you will be doing part time to start as you are still working you 9 to 5 job.
Step 4. Once you know who you want to work with and how much you can devote then study up, and start your paper trading. I highly recommend paper trading to find your strategy. It is much easy to pay $30 a month to practice than lose your hard earned money. Remember that if you need to paper trade for a year that is roughly $360 versus thousands you could lose in your first account (I speak from experience on this one…I blew through a $6k account in a couple months not knowing)
Step 5 Once you have consistency and confidence in your personal fingerprint strategy. It is time to open your trading account. Depending on where you are in the world there are different brokers that you can use. If you are in the States and starting with a smaller account then you will probably encounter the PDT Rule
To name a few good brokers Think or Swim, Interactive Brokers, Trade Station, Fidelity and Lightspeed. There are other off shore brokers that you can use, but myself I have never been intersted in going with an unsecured company.
Step 6. Journal you trades from the moment that you begin trading a free site is Profitly
In trading you are not in competition with anyone else. Everyone learns at a different pace and your goal is to be profitable. Trading the right setups at the right time will help you be profitable. The more you keep track of your trades and your emotions in entering the trade and exiting the trade you will understand your trading pyschology. You are your own worst enemy in trading.
Step 7. Continue to grow in your trading. As your real money profits begin growing remember there are 4 outcomes: Big Wins, Small Wins, Small Losses and Big Losses. If you simply get rid of big losses and learn to let the Wins grow then you should be able to continue growing your account.
When you mess up know it is part of the trading journery and use it as a learning experience. If you need to step away from trading and don’t take it out on the market. Trade with a clear head.
I know you must have many questions and I’m always happy to share what I have learned to help you shorten your learning curve. I was in your shoes a short 3 years ago. I now wake up everyday and feel incredible blessed to have found it as a career. I remember back in 2009 a friend of mine did it and I said teach me. I never realized how passionate I would be about it and helping others in the same journey.
To help more people in person I set up the Modern Traders Summit which will be June 23rd in Orlando Florida. If you are interested in learning more make sure to check out the website where you can learn about other like minded traders that will be speaking about how they can help you improve as a trader. Seats are selling quickly so make your you secure your spot.
I have also partnered with Tradealike to provide my real time alerts via their mobile app. It is cool because there is no subscription cost and you can pick and choose which alert you would like to purchase.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here to receive 3 days free. It is affordable at $19.95 per month, which is roughly $1 per trading day.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It
. As well as Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Chapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. 15% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.