by Jane | Jul 23, 2016 | Uncategorized

Very thankful to have my trading head back on my shoulders. All of our home repairs are done and I see the results in my trading. When you have clear head it makes all the difference in your trading. It allows you to be present in price action and make the best entries.
In that past year I have really learned that low float stocks are great because they can offer amazing moves in price action. Of course, you have to be careful with them because the moves are not always in your favor. These big price moves come because the supply i.e. the float is not always that large and when people want it the price has to go up. A simple understanding of Supply and Demand.
Last week I stumbled on STMP with its big moves and kept it on my radar this week. The stock tends to have big runs in the afternoon after 1pm. The price action can be upwards of a $1 move at a time. This week alone I capitalized with the price volatility on this stock to profit over $9,000. When you spot a stock that is being actively traded it is good to capitalize on the moves while the volume is there.
STMP had negative press this past week trying to really drive the price down when they recommend it is worth $15. This did drive the price down to a low of $69 with a speedy recovery. Once it hit $69 I reviewed the 10 day chart. Down from $90 to $69 in 8 days means oversold to me.
Earnings are due to come out July 28th moved up date, and I anticipate the stock should uptrend until then. It just had a price target recommendation today of $150. I would not swing this to $100, however I did learn from my WYNN trade in the past.
With WYNN I bought it when it was oversold and then they had earnings and opened the new casino. I was in around $55 and thought I was conservative taking $6 a share profit. Oh was I wrong. It ran all the way up to 100 in a month and half. And WYNN wasn’t even a lower float stock.
So I have learned from WYNN and with a float of roughly 38 Million and Earnings to be announced July 28th I believe the price action should be volatile until then and look to recover some of the selloff down from $90.
My swing trades over the weekend are $TYPE (Oversold to me based on news), $ZFGN ( 52 week low this week) $PYPL ( void to fill above 37.52) and $SMCI as it is slowly filling a void.
I hope many of you checked out Trade Ideas Open house this past week. Their software is amazing and the support is unbelievable as well as the free trading room. That’s right FREE everyday.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jul 20, 2016 | Uncategorized
I set an initial goal of making $100K profits by Feb 1, 2017 and then once I broke $50K I moved it up to my birthday of August 15th. Well I exceeded that goal and surpassed $100K in profits July 8th.
After training for 4 marathons in life, I find it helpful for myself to have small goals along the way to my ultimate goal of 1 Million. My next stepping stone in profit goals will be $250K by Jan 1, 2017. I didn’t expect to have an absolutely amazing week of $20K+ in profits.
I’m not sure if it has to do with the market rebounding from Brexit or it that I’m becoming more diligent with my stops. I do still make errors and forget stops. I try to learn from each error. I know I am human and I hate taking a loss, however it is better to take a small one than a huge one.
I really enjoy trading and I think that comes from now being able to look at a stock and see where it is in the price pattern and know if it is a beneficial spot to enter or if I need to wait. I remember in the beginning of my studying I was watching Tim’s DVDs and he would look at a chart and say yes or no. I thought I need to get to that point. I feel like I have reached that point after watching the market daily. The patterns are recurrent and the volatile stocks tend to act the same. It will take time for you to learn and understand what drives the price action.
I have to say that my husband is doing very well in his trading studies. He is being a diligent student and studying hard. He has just begun paper trading with Think or Swim. In his first day he spotted ALR on Friday breaking out. A great trade. Then yesterday he spotted BAC running up. He is beginning to see the stocks to trade, but still curious on how I find my winners.
Well I use two tools. I use EquityFeed Market View and usually keep it on the biggest losers of the day. I will look at them to see where they are in the sell off cycle and how much longer to wait before the reversal happens.
I also use Trade Ideas scanning software. Their software is amazing as is their customer service and their always Free Trading Room. I definitely look for stocks that are setting up for reversal and one of the key alerting indicators I use is RSI. In fact one of the best things about Trade Ideas is when you have an alert that you customize you can share it with others as a cloud link. As a Warrior Trading Chat Room member, I saw Ross’ customized RSI alert and continued to profit if of it. As a genuine caring teacher, when I asked him if I could have the cloud link he gladly share it with me. There are some amazing people and services out there that do look for you to profit. Ross and his Team are great at helping new traders learn and providing tools to help them.
These are two amazing services and both have some free services too. In fact Trade Ideas is in the process of an Open house this week to test out their pro software for $7.99 for the week and there always Free Trading Room. Warrior Trading will also offer two FREE Mondays a month in their Chat room. Great way to see the tools before you invest.
In my opinion you don’t have to have the best tools, but when you do it makes profiting that much easier. Yes the expenses in the beginning add up, but they very quickly pay for themselves.
The first free Monday I traded in Warrior Trading chat room I made enough to pay for 3 months. I subscribed and then in a month I made more than enough for a year. So I upgraded. As a result I discovered Trade Ideas in their room and then went out to connect with Dan the CEO from Trade Ideas and now I use the best stock scanner out there in my opinion.
Enough rambling on about tools back to stocks.
This week there has been great volatility in the stocks. Today I absolutely rocked HAS on the long and short. I did the same to STMP in the past week as well. Once you start to see the patterns and know when the stock will sell off it seems to become easy and stress free. When you have confidence the trades become fun and passionate.
This is the first job in my life I absolutely love getting up to do each day. I know a lot of people have questions and I am always happy to help.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jul 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
My trading experience that has brought me to 100,000 in profits by acknowledging these simple key points.
1. For everyone looking to enter the market there is so much to learn dedicate time to studying the market to build your confidence before simply throwing money at the market. If you don’t know what you are doing you will likely be in the 90% that lose.
2. Tackle your emotions. Trading will present a reflection of who you are in your trades and you must face them or else the bad habits will blow up your account.
3. When I had losses in the beginning or even a bigger loss now. I return to paper trading or trading smaller positions to reconfirm my confidence in my trades. Trading is psychological and you need to trust your trades.
4. When you get in a trade that goes against you don’t let your ego take over and make you a bag Holder. Cut the loss.
5. Analyze your trades. The good ones and the bad ones. Your worst trading enemy is yourself and only if you reflect back on your trades will you learn from yourself.
6. Try not to follow everyone else. Study the charts and patterns to identify setups for yourself. If in a chat room and you are alerted on a stock, then analyze if the setup works for you.
7. Be true to yourself in trading. What I mean by that is learn the setups that work for your risk tolerance and personality.
8. Be present in the moment of the price action. Don’t find yourself hoping or wanting something to happen to the price react to what is going on. If you close your profit early it is still a profit and always 100 times better than a loss.
9. When the market opens take each day and each trade as a fresh opportunity. If you feel you are revenge trading or have superhero I can’t mess up feelings step away. The market will be there tomorrow when your head is clear and you will trade better.
10. Acknowledge how much your learn each trade and each day. You have to start somewhere and your knowledge will grow with each success and loss. The positivity will help keep you on your path of learning and it is an eternal road to learn how to be a better trader. We can all improve.
Even after 100,000 K in profits I find I can improve in my trades. I make mistakes I acknowledge them and hold myself responsible. You have to trade with risk tolerance in order to be comfortable to sleep at night.
I hope these points help you in your trading journey. Each person learns at a different rate and you honestly can’t rush the process. So just like a losing trade accept it will take time and it is not an overnight process. Take it one day at a time and grow your own personal Google database of trading information.
Also check out the Trade Ideas Open House July 18-22nd for $7.99. You can try their pro package the whole week and you are always welcome in the free trading room.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jul 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
After a rough month in June, July is starting off much better. As you can see by my profit chart I am so close to 100K in profits I can taste it. I am however in two trades that are at a loss right now so I don’t expect to break 100K tomorrow.
This week I was better about setting my stops, but I can always improve. Two of the Three stocks that I’m in at the moment have tanked hard this week a liable to have a nice short squeeze up tomorrow.
XBIT from a very unfortunate entry of 18.15. I saw a huge buyer of 180K shares at 18 and thought that was a good support. I should have cut the loss when it dropped down to 17’s but I let it run against me. I will watch and see what happens before lunch and close it out before the weekend not to be a bag holder any longer.
It is always tough to admit that I’m in a bad trade and I let it go waaaay too far. The other one that got away from me is FSLR from today. I re entered at 46.05 and it went up to 46.20 while I was in a meeting with the lawyers. I didnt put my stop in and then we went onto further meetings and it ran against me. Same thing. I will close it out tomorrow before lunch.
My third long is LEDS which had a crazy day up almost 225% from 3.30 close on Wednesday. The run happened with a small float of 1.5 million. It traded 9 times the float today and I imagine that some shorts will squeeze it up tomorrow. My entry is 10.66 so I will watch the premarket action. With all the positive news as a giant gainer it has a good chance of having strong buyers at open based on the chart.
More on watch for tomorrow will be the 52 week low club members this week
I am so happy to be feeling more concentrated. Of course I know better than trading today while at meetings. My lesson is always put the stops even if it ends with a loss. A small loss is better than the two big ones I have on my hands at the moment.
As Tim Sykes says cut the losers early and it it true. It is important to try to keep the losses small. I have two on my hands unfortunately that I did not follow that rule. When you break the rules it does cause errors resulting in losses.
When you examine your trades you see your faults as a trader. My husband is learning to trade now and always asks me why I did something when I have a loss. The truth is I’m imperfect and I need to try to protect myself all the time. I am not good at mental stops so I need to set those hard stops.
This week I also booked my space at the Trader & Investor Summit in Orlando September 10th-12th for a deal right now of $297. When you think of Tim’s DVD’s for the past seminars are roughly $800 it is a great deal for 3 days of experienced traders giving you their knowledge and being able to ask questions. Investing in your knowledge is always great.
I know of a bunch of Twitter, Profitly and Instagram followers that have reached out and are going as well. I am really looking forward to networking with everyone and comparing stories. This is a chance to all learn together and bring the online community together in person.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jun 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
It is always good to review your trades to learn from your mistakes. Sometimes it can be absolutely painful to review them but well worth it. I highly recommend all traders have a trading journal or use Profitly to analyze your trades.
In learning your own patterns you can hopefully correct them. Sometimes it can be a slap in your ego’s face to see where you went wrong. However as in life when you swallow your pride and see your weaknesses you can improve.
The changes to improve are not always obvious or easy. I won’t lie this month was rough for me. Going from averaging about $5K a week in profits to $9K in a month is a change. I felt bad and had a bunch of distractions within the house with renovations that really acted as hinderances to me.
In looking at my trading each day and seeing when I made poor choices it was easier to step away to take time for life instead of letting life interfere with trading.
The market will always be there, but sometimes life comes first.
The difference of making $9K in a month versus $20K was worrisome to me because I thought I had lost my mojo. However the past two days have instilled confidence again.
In reviewing my trades for the past month, my amendment to my rules are as follows.
- How am I feeling today in terms of health? Anything distracting me mentally? i.e.. my daughter, home renovations, or maybe a personal disagreement (this all affects your trading)
- Is this the best entry? Set a stop to protect myself if it is not!
- Try to get better at moving stops while the profit is running to give it wiggle room. All profits are great, but try to let the runners run more.
This Friday is Canada Day for us and our daughter will be home from daycare, so I will not be trading at my desk. I look forward to starting July off with fireworks and I hope you do as well.
The end of June will wrap up the majority of our home renovations and distractions, so I’m very much looking forward to July. My hubby will be paper trading after watching some of Tim’s DVDs and I’m excited for him to get a feel for the real price action.
Every trade, Every day we are all students and can only strive to get better. When we beat ourselves up or let others beat us up mentally over errors it will affect your trading. Stay positive and take the lessons from all your errors. Hopefully you are humble enough to learn and improve. If you are you and your trading will benefit.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jun 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Well June has been a very busy month for us at home. We have had a bunch of home renovations going on this month as well as my daughter bringing home a nice stomach bug.
I tried in the beginning of the month to much through with trading to continue to make the profits, but I found that all the distractions of construction were not allowing me to keep my head clear and devoted to stocks. I know that Barrie from Trade Ideas Free Trading Room has had a year and a half of construction going on and he still trades well. My hats off to him.
These are all learning experiences. I know now that when there is construction or home maintenance or renovation going on it is best for me to step away from my trading desk and simply watch.
Just like when my health is not feeling 100% it is not worth it to force trading.
So for this month with minimal gains I am standing by the sidelines while home renovations occur.
It is very tough to be away from my desk, from you and the whole trading community. I really love this job, but I want to give it my 100% and not give back profits because I’m not feeing up to par.
All that being said I will probably be trading more part time the rest of the month as we have more renovations coming. When you hear a backhoe tearing into the ground and unintentionally touching the side of your house you begin to wonder….Are they doing more damage than good. That is not a healthy thought process if in the middle of a trade.
For now when I am feeling 100% devoted mentally I will be trading until then on the sidelines watching.
All this to say if you see a change in your trading analyze not only your trades but what is going on in your life. What changed? Is there a personal issue that has come up that is tying up brain power?
Think of it like a CPU for a computer. If all of the energy and memory is being devoted to running a high powered modern software it is no wonder the rest of the system is slow and sluggish. Once that software is closed then the computer can run back a high efficiency.
I do miss the intraday trades, but when I’m not 100% I know not to force it now.
As always I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.
This blog is for information purposes I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment advisor. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.