by Jane | Apr 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Know that wherever you are or whatever is going on that this situation is temporary and changeable!
This blog post comes from one of the most difficult days so far with my 10 week old. Today was devoted to the little one. She was fussy and eating all day long ( probably a growth spurt) with only napping 2 hours total from 9 am to 630pm.
Given the fact that she won’t take the bottle made it a rough day to say the least.
In reflecting back on the day, it makes me thankful that not all days have been like today. Remember that each moment and each day bring new opportunities.
My first daughter had rough days like these everyday for 4.5 months straight . It makes me realize today is just one day of my day being dominated by a restless baby and not 4.5 months. For that I’m am thankful. No matter what is going on there is always something to be thankful for in your family, friends and more.
This is to remind you we are all human. We all have good days and bad days in our present situation. The bottom line is we can improve them right now. The energy and effort that we use in our thoughts will help us change it to a positive situation.
If you want to improve your situation start with your mind. Your present state is changeable. You want to make a million in the stock market? You want to leave your 9-5 job? You want to travel the world? You want to lose the excess weight? What is it going to take?
First off a positive mindset believing in yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to do!
It will take hard work starting now. Guess what…you are worth it! All the hard work will improve your life moment by moment, day by day.
We live each day and that is what we need to concentrate on improving. All those little improvements “today” will change your future.
Don’t get down on yourself for any actions that brought misfortune in life. The beauty of life is it is changeable. You don’t like something then make a change. When we keep repeating the same actions without change the results are the same. Learn from them and move forward.
The same in life is true with your trading. To improve in trading your can journal your actions and see what went right or wrong. The continued results are based on if you learned from your mistakes.
It takes being strong to see your own faults in your journaling and knowing what you must change. When you are true to yourself your results improve.
Keep up your hard work and know you can get to your desired end results by starting with changes today.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers. Sign up here list for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Apr 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Today was re-energizing for me regarding my trading passion. I had a good friend from the gym come over to visit our newest addition and catch up. Little did I know that her boyfriend and herself have been following me with my trading career.
It is always great when people come sharing their desire to learn more about trading. Every time I talk about it I end up with more desire to share my experience, as I know there are others out there struggling in jobs they don’t like.
That was the lightbulb moment for me back with our first daughter. I was fed up with my job felt like I was a number and not really a person to the company. I was working many hours for poor pay and thought there has to be something more available to me.
So I began searching out my next career move and falling into my passion with trading. The journey itself is not an easy one. Anyone that says it is easy is a scam artist. It takes time and devotion to learn the market nuances. It was in the beginning of my journey that I found two books that really helped me see I needed to find out my own path. Those books also led me to the idea of writing my own book. I never thought I would be an author but found the desire to help others in their journeys. My book is 1 wekk into editing with the editor and should be released June at the latest. You can sign up for Preorders here
When you wake up in the morning and you feel unsatisfied to go to work, it is time for change. That change has to start within yourself. If you want to change your path, you need to make daily changes. I believe that anyone, yes anyone can learn trading but not necessarily on the same timeframe. You need to make the change in your mindset.
You are good enough to have a job where you create your own schedule. Will it happen overnight? No! Will it take hard work? Yes! but you know that your happiness that you live each day is worth it. All of it is worth it when you are happy to wake up and go to work.
Honestly the whole reason we go to work is to provide for ourselves and our familys. We have basic needs of shelter, clothing and food. Once those needs are met it becomes the hobbies and luxuries we can treat ourselves. The question is how badly do you want these things for yourself?
When you take a couple extra minutes, hours or days out of your week to study the market you will learn it. No one can sit down at a computer and be an amazing trader without studying. There are some amazing free tools out there but it means you need to search for them. Waiting for everything to be given to you means you will be waiting along time.
If you take the train to work, use that time to study. If you have kids like me take 30 min or an hour or more a day once they are down to study. There are ways, but you will have to step out of your comfort zone. There will be days you think I can’t do this, but the truth is with hard work your life will change. You will make it happen for yourself. So go out and do it! Don’t wait until tomorrow start today. The day isn’t over so take some time to improve you life and break free from the daily grind.
Now when you make the decision to go forward and change make sure you have the support of your loved ones. That can sometimes be the hardest part and your hard work and knowledge will help to build the support. If you just quit day one and say tomorrow I will trade it will be hard for them to support you. It takes them understanding you might have losing days too, but hopefully you are able to help educate them as well to know your risk management to keep them comfortable with your gains growing bigger than your losses.
I get haters all the time on Twitter, Intagram, Facebook and Youtube. They don’t believe it is possible or that a woman can do it. I don’t have to justify my life. The result is that I haven’t gone to work for someone else since Mid June 2014. I am proud to say I’m a stay at home mom working for myself and my family. You can too just put in the effort a little each day.
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers. Sign up here list for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Full Access Test Drive for $8.88 April 10-17th
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
With all the craziness this week again with our Daughter I was only really able to watch on Friday around noon. She must have been going through a growth spurt up 40 min to eat and be changed and then back down for a 40 min nap.
When I had a free second I opened up Trade Ideas to see what the scans were pulling up and I started checking the charts of the volatile stocks. $SNAP and $DFFN were on the list.
$SNAP looked like it was primed for a reversal at just below 19 and it being a Friday. So I tweeted out the potential reversal coming. Sure enough from the low of the day around 18.75 it ran up a good $1 before selling off again. These are the patterns that I love and have found success. $DFFN had a similar pattern after the big run up in the day as you can see below.
When DFFN wentdoe to just below 3 at 2.94 it was the perfect time for the reversal. Then as it approached 3.30 and tested the breakout with the shorts covering a great time to catch the run up. These are two charts that I look for when I’m trading. As always I say Carpe Profit and lock those profits to make sure you dont give the market back profits.
Now there are times when you will trade and your executions and timing wont be perfect. This week has reminded me that perfection is something you can aspire to achieve however it is inevitable that you will not be perfect. As I wanted to get the book of to editing on Friday I quickly discovered there was more work to be done on formatting and my daughter did not let that happen.
I want that book to be at the publisher but sending it before it is ready is not prudent. In the same way that waiting for prime entry into a trade is important. When you rush it and hope that it goes the direction you want you can minimize your profit or even lose. So remember that even though it can be frustrating to have to wait for those right set ups it is all worth it to be patient.
The patience in life begins today. Let things unfold in the manner they will. Don’t force trades or life. The more you can practice not forcing perfection and using patience will allow you to thrive in all areas of your life and your trading.
This time with my newborn daughter is allowing me to reflect about my trading and realize that the ability to trade each day is a priveledge and the time that I will have coming soon to get into trades will be cherished and I will be a sniper for the right set ups and not force trades. It just isnt worth it.
You can make your dreams reality with hard work to change your own future. Start Today!
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers in 159 different countries. Sign up here for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Discount code BARRIE4ALPHA for 15% of 1st month or year that
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Mar 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
I forgot how labor intensive a newborn is since taking care of our daughter is truly a labor of love. I knew it was hard work, but forgot all the effort and work and remembered the good times with daughter #1.
This week has been tough on me as I have been dealing with a bunch of hormonal changes. I know that this is related to hormones because when I have an emotion joyful or sad I ended up in tears. Not my normal reaction to be crying at the drop of a hat.
As I have told you before when you head is not clear or life is taking over don’t trade as it will probably result in losses with you mind not present on the trade. Well that is what I did again this week and concentrated on the book.
This week with my best friend in town to help with the baby, we concentrated on brainstorming for titles for the book. Thanks to the help of my hubby, best friend and twitter followers I narrowed it down and will reveal it soon. The ultimate title was with help from a twitter follower and he will be receiving a free signed copy at release. If you want to be added to the pre-order release list please shot me an email at
The pyschology aspect of trading is very important as the only person you are in competition with while you are trading is yourself. You want to be a better trader today than you were yesterday. That means you need to be aware of yourself and your thought processes. If you have a bunch of personal stuff going on that is distracting your brain. Take time to study the market. It will only help you.
Once we had the title down I could come back to watching the market at open. Friday I watched $CATB and it performed just as expected. I was watching the premarket movers on Trade Ideas scanner and I saw CATB as a big mover from Thursday. I set a premarket price alert to pop up once the premarket high was broken. Sure enough it happened right after open then pulled back.
The volume on Thursday was 50.8% short sold according to The daily short sale percentage of volume is a premium service, and can be worth it if you follow lower float stocks like CATB with 10.2 mil in float. CATB had 3.6 million in volume on Thursday with 50% short then on Friday after the pop in volume the volume jumped to 59 million. According to 56% of the volume Friday was short sold. That means that there could be a bigger movement coming next week.
Earnings according to Yahoo Earnings Calendar is on Thursday the 16th and with this move prior to the earnings it seems there might be some insider knowledge that was leaked and the volume is preceding the news. This is 100% my opinion but many times we will see the volume comes in before the news is released.
In my opinion there will be more movement to the stock next week to the upside. Looking back at Form 4s for the stock 1 month ago, there were 4 officiers that bought 100k shares or more of the stock. This to me indicates A. They think that the stock is at a great purchase price and B. There is some inside information coming that will result in an increase in the stock.
Here is the 5 min chart of the stock on Friday. You can see right at open it popped up from 1.170s to 1.88. An initial Sell off with a bottom around $1.7 and then upside all day until roughly 1130 with a consolidation period around $2. You see that the volume that came in and all the shares that exchanged hands but the price wasnt moving to downside that the buying volume was creating support. It is no suprise that the close was back at that support level it held for almost 45 min in the morning. Look for a break of resistance levels of 2.20, 2.40 and then 2.75 for it really run next week.
All of this to say stay on track with you goals. I want to make this book happen for all of you and this time that my hormones are out of whack with trading is the perfect time to make it happen. Stay true to your dreams and put energy towards it everyday to change your future. I never thought of myself as a daytrader and an author of a soon to be goal of NYT bestseller.
You can make your dreams reality with hard work to change your own future. Start Today!
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon and major retailers. Sign up here list for updates about when and where to preorder.
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. Full Access Test Drive for $8.88 April 10-17th
Also testing out Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Feb 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
The past 12 days have absolutely flown by and in a clouded haze from lack of sleep. If you are new to reading my blog or following me the reason why is due to the birth of our second daughter Scarlett Victoria on February 2nd.
I have had to take time to put trading aside to be a Mom first. We are blessed with a happy healthy little girl. Having friends with a child in the ICU born 10 weeks early we know how lucky we are to have the ability to have her wake us up at home in the middle of the night.
Tending to a newborn is definitely a 24 hour job with breaks of maybe an hour or two. I love helping and sharing with all of you to improve in trading. At this time I am not able to give trading my full effort and can’t depend on the hours of 930-12 to be baby free. So in the meantime, I look forward to sharing with you in the book. I had hopes to get it to the editor by the 10th, but our love came early.
So in my breaks I work on editing and writing and following one stock. TWLO

A good trading buddy of mine mentioned Keltner channels and an interesting phenomenom about Bollinger Bands and stocks reactions. Here is a daily chart of TWLO and you can see the Keltner channel consists of the green lines and the Bollinger Bands are red. When the Bollinger bands dip inside the Keltner channel the last week of January the stock created a bottom and then ran up. The same is true for the middle of December but to the downside. Which can indicate that there will be movement one way or the other so to watch the momentum and capitalize on it.
I have also been watching options more as a potential to swing with less capital involved and make small gains. I’m also looking forward to Trade Ideas free guest webinar by ACTIVEDAYTRADER.COM Jonathon Rose Wednsday evening on trading options less than .50 and looking for 10 to 1, 15 to 1 or better.
All this to say that I truly appreciate each and every one of you. I appreciate all the well wishes for our daughter’s birth. As a mom I love to nuture and see not only my daughters thrive but you as well.
When I started my journey, I just wanted to give back and share and I miss being present with you all on a daily basis. Please know this is temporary while my time commitment as a mom is number one priority right now. I will still do my weekly watchlists and hopefully my videos again soon.
In a short time the book will be available and my goal to be able to share with more people will be there. As always your future lies in your hands. The direction you go is based on your daily actions and intentions. So if you want change, no matter what it is then start with a small change today. If you fear something. Put that fear aside as we grow when we step out of comfort zones.
And if you reach out to me and I dont respond immediately please don’t take it personally as I might get to it at a 2 or 3 am feeding while reading on my phone.
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon. If you want me to email you as it is available shoot your name over to
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. There be an open house for just $8.88 for a week to test the full premium services starting Feb. 6th.
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.
by Jane | Jan 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
In the past week I have really seen a difference in my mental capacity with the constant waking up in the middle of the night around 2:30-3am at 38 weeks pregnant and not being able to get back to sleep. After the first couple of nights it happened I realized that my brain is not running at 100%
You know when someone asks you your cell phone number and you can’t remember it. Or you walk into a room and can not for the life of you remember why you went in there. Well that, as well as my hubby clueing me into this change lead me to watch more now until our little one’s birthday in the next two weeks. If I’m 100% rested and running all cylinders great. I will be full on active.
In the meantime I will continue to study the market, videos, research. Work on the book, blog, YouTube videos and testing out Stocks To Trade. They offer a one week trial for $1. Also Trade Ideas has a TI Premium week open house Feb 6th trial for $8.88.
It is not worth it to force a trade and not be at 100%. If you are feeling sick or off your game be honest with yourself. There will always be a good stock to trade and the market will be open the next trading day. In the beginning I felt like I was missing out…but now over time I see there are stocks to trade everyday.
In editing my book it brings me back my beginning and the thoughts I had as a newbie trader. I wanted it soooo bad. However rushing the process does not mean success will happen faster. You cant just jump into a trade because you want to trade.
It is important to understand the why behind it and to do that you have to study. Study the charts. Study the news and catalysts. This week has been a whirlwind as well with Trump’s first week as President. I will touch more on this an my weekly watchlist in my YouTube video coming on Sunday.
For example the pipeline deal is back on and oil spiked on the news and the Canadian dollar strengthened. Then the reality set in of the details and it could be more than a year for permits and everything to go through in order for the work to commence. So with all the executive orders we are seeing immediate jumps in one direction or another, but there is from what I see little follow through in the days after.
His executive orders are acting as catalysts it seems the day traders are in and out in a day with potential long term growth but nothing like the first day reaction.
The markets are always changing and Friday was an interesting one with the Dow down and Nasdaq up. Then the two are in disagreement it can be tough to trade. I was talking with a trading buddy and he was frustrated with the ambiguity of the market.
If you see things like this dont fight the market. It will always win. Be smart with stops mental or hard and stick to them. If the trade does not go your way then get out. Dont anticipate, but react to present price action.
I have from what the Doctor anticipates less than 2 weeks for our little love to be here and I really want to achieve that goal of sharing my book with you. So literally working day and night (when insomnia happens) to make that goal come true. 60% done with editing chapters so far. If you are interested in being put on the list to get the news shoot me an email at
When you want to make a change in your life it starts with a positive mindset first that you can do it and second an action daily to make that change happen. So if you want to see change do it today. I even recommend a post it note on your mirror for the morning to ask yourself what are you going to do to change your future today? The work has to initiate within you! You control your future with your daily decisions!
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have questions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
Working on my book to be released this spring of 2017 available on Amazon. If you want me to email you as it is available shoot your name over to
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room. There be an open house for just $8.88 for a week to test the full premium services starting Feb. 6th.
For my charting and level 2 I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund.